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Beginning of School 2020

Our first day of school is behind us, and it was just as wild and crazy as I anticipated. On our first day we didn’t follow my elaborate schedule, we completely missed our Latin block, and we never made it to Geography. I didn’t even have the history and bible curriculum on the agenda for the first day, because I knew we weren’t ready for that. Yet, we still couldn't complete all of our tasks. So you may be wondering what it is we DID do! We worshiped, looked at our bible memory verses for August, did spelling, math, reading, and a first day of a school craft. The big boys were disappointed that I didn't plan to let them make a hat. I thought they'd be too big for that! They decided to design their own (not pictured- HA!). Note to self: Even "big kids" like fun crafts! Left to right: 4th Grade, 2nd Grade, 6th Grade, and Kindergarten Hats for the win! Somebody come help with all of this laundry in the background! We are loving having big sister with us, and I'm

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