These are my confessions

I am a terrible blogger. I am a terrible blogger. I am a terrible blogger. But seriously..... I want to blog so badly but there never seems to be enough time in the day to get all the necessary things done. I am going to figure out a way to get this blogging on my to-do list and make it happen at least twice a month! We have had a fabulous, but busy summer. It is now August and this week our summer vacation is coming to an end. School starts this next week and I am one busy Mama, but God has been doing some amazing things in our little family over the past couple of months. Our house church plant has branched out into its own building, I have started some work with a local crisis pregnancy center (more to come on this soon), and Matthew is one semester away from having his Master's degree. All of these are exciting, but new adventures for us. Pray for us and with us as we figure out how to follow God's sovereign leadership better and as He places us in circumstances that will surely be out of our comfort zone. We know that when we are weak, He is strong and so we trust Him  for our strength, even when we are not equipped for the tasks He is giving us.

Bella will be starting kindergarten next week, Isaiah will be in pre-k 4, and I am going to bring Levi to the pre-k 3 class a few day a week. We will certainly have some adjusting to do since we have been off of our schedules this summer, but I am looking forward to watching my sweet babies grow and face this next stage. I will be checking in next week with pictures of the first day of school as well as some devotional thoughts that God has been laying on my heart to share. See you then!!


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