Looking ahead
Today is my birthday, and although most would not consider twenty-seven to be a pivotal year in the life of a woman, I think for me, it just might be. Years ago, ten years to be exact, I was challenged by my pastor to write a timeline of my life. The goal of this "assignment" was to focus specially on what God had done over the course of my life. I followed this pastors advice and was amazed to see that God, in His sovereignty, had led me to just the right places and just the right people. It was clear that God had ordained my every step and it was then that I realized that I had been so caught up in everyday life, that I hadn't even noticed all that God was doing. I never want God's power and presence in my life to become so common place that I forget to give Him the glory and praise! I vowed then and there to be more aware of God's work in my life and in the lives of others. I have made some improvements in that area, but boy do I still have a ways to go.The second part of the assignment was to write a list of goals for the next ten years. A few weeks ago, I looked back in my journal from ten years ago and saw all of the goals I had written back then. I realized I had met every one of them! That should be an exciting feeling (and in someways it is) but it made me stop and think. I want to keep growing, I don't want to be done, and I need some new goals! So that is what I will do today, on my twenty-seventh birthday. I will set my goals for the next ten years. I cannot wait to see what God is going to do.
My Goals From 10 Years ago:
My Goals From 10 Years ago:
- Graduate from highschool
- Get married
- Finish College
- Become a teacher
- Serve God through missions and work with local youth
- Buy my first home
- Have my first child (I think I exceed this goal a bit ;))
- Finish my Master's degree (Lord help me!)
- Become a better helper to my husband in life and especially in ministry
- Start writing ( one of my dreams is to write women's Bible study material... I don't know if God has this in store for me, but what I do know is, you can't be a writer if you don't write. So I have GOT to get started!)
- Be actively engaged in my children's life- Time is flying by and being a mother is the greatest thing I have ever done. I know I will always be a mom, but I also know that I won't always have my children at home with me. I want to experience their childhoods and make memories. I want to raise them to love the Lord. I want to disciple them so that they are equipped to make disciples. Many other things will wait;This will not.
- Be a better friend
- Be more sensitive to the needs of others and minister to them accordingly ( I have learned that ministry isn't always planned. It isn't always a trip. Most days its right outside your door, right down the street, a phone call away. I WILL be more faithful to share all God has blessed me with)
Love your new goals and so happy to see how you met your first list. I will be praying for you in these areas and eager to live life right beside you over the next 10 years. happy birthday!