It's August... already?

At the beginning of this summer I made a promise to myself that I would not spend my sunny summer days thinking about fall and all that needed to be done at the preschool, but that I would just enjoy my family and my free time and I feel like I have succeeded! It has been wonderful to sit at the table and color with my babies or read a magi zine by the pool while they splash away. It is in those moments, when I am not surrounded by the busyness of my day-to-day, that I am able to see all that God has given me.

But now it is time for things to get cranked back up... as they say "All good things must come to an end.." and even though I would have to disagree with that saying, in this situation it is true. This year Bella will start 3 year old preschool. It is so hard for me to believe that she is going to be at school!! It is a scary thing for a mom to send her little one out into the "world", even for three short mornings a week. I just pray that we give her all she needs to be a little light for the saviour, even at this young age.

Matthew will also be finishing up his Biblical Studies/Apologetic degree this next semester which is very exciting. He has worked so hard and juggled more than seems possible. I am in constant awe of how the Lord uses him. But this LONG road of seminary is just getting so started, so we will need extra prayer as he moves forward.

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. Levi is almost 11 months old, and although he is standing on his own, he refuses to take those first real steps. But don't worry, this Mama is not complaining. This is not my first time around the block and I know what those first steps bring. But it is always exciting to watch a baby grow into a toddler and I can't wait to see him take off!

Isaiah playing in the water!

Levi hanging out with his favorite person... Daddy!!!

Bella playing in the water in her FAVORITE dress ( and yes, it does have long sleeves... I pick my battles!)

Bella posing on the Lawn Mower!

Isaiah helping with the yard work... He's Daddy's sidekick!


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